Monday, January 24, 2011

How to Make Your Own Bamboo Staff

Have you ever thought of making your own customized bamboo staff? All it takes is a little time and some imagination.


Things You'll Need:
• Single stalk of bamboo Sharp knife Dull knife (or just use your sharp one carefully) Small rock (optional) Hot glue (optional) Cloth, ribbon, leather (optional)
Find yourself a sturdy piece of bamboo. It can be any length that you want it to be but the perfect staff either comes about a foot above your head or right above the top of your ear.
Once you have your bamboo, sand or cut off any twigs or bumps. Make sure your ends are flat and even.
Try walking around with the piece of bamboo.
Once you've found where your hand will rest while using it, sand the spot until it's very smooth.
Decorate it.

Tips & Warnings

• When finding your bamboo, you don't have to measure it there on the spot. For the perfect fit, cut it first and measure it later.
• Some bamboo looks strong, but it breaks easy. Make sure you use a fresh piece instead of a dead one, and if it is a dead one, make sure it's strong before using it.
• There may be some "gunk" on your bamboo. Use a dull knife to scrape it off.
• You may want to put some cloth or ribbon around the handle.
• Try hot gluing a small rock to the top of the staff. Use a sharp knife to make animal markings, dots, or lines on the staff everywhere but the handle.
• Be careful while handling the knife.

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